Day 6: World AIDS Day

Since today was World AIDS Day we took action by attending a community rally. We headed out in rickshaws again and joined 100 or so locals marching and chanting around the red light district. It was nice to think that we weren’t just talking about the issues amongst ourselves, we were actually involved in trying to make changes (how ever tiny our actions were).





We then went out for a local lunch where I had what could only be described as a giant crispy crepe with super spicy potato in it. Luckily the way it was rolled most of it wasn’t touching the potato. Natasha kindly offered me some of her pizza but it has hot pepper flakes in the tomato sauce. Today is the day I wished I had been carrying a cliff bar. I stopped for a delicious mango Popsicle on the way back and that cleared my mouth nicely though.

This afternoon we debriefed about the rally and has a session with a leadership coach who talked about different ways to prioritize your life and then led us through a relaxation session where a good third of us fell asleep. I think that’s a good thing…

This evening, we joined in on a BBC debate/discussion being streamed online (called “100 Girls”). There were quick videos to watch and questions to discuss relating to women and jobs, relationships, government and feminism around the world. We even made it onto their website with some of our answers.

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day but I am really looking forward to getting my Punjabi back from the tailor and trying it on!

The Internet is being annoying but I will try to add some more pictures later!

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